Category Archives: forschung / research


154 kotten


irgendwo mit&zwischen mudhoney’s i like it small und gro swantje kohlhof’s im april 2020 cov-19-bedingt so verdammt wunderbar aus dem schrank gespielten hogwarts exkursionen @ kammer4 entsteht nicht weit der geburts- und wirkensstätte des al capone vom donaumoos ein kotten.

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rural germany @ kirua symposium in daejon


we are invited to give a talk on promotional strategies for rented housing/flats in rural germany [독일 농촌 임대주택사업의 추진과 전략] @ 춘계학술발표대회 및 국제심포지엄, a international spring conference and symposium in daejon, republic of korea, initiated by the korean institute of rural architecture (KIRUA)

[photos: martina günther] Continue reading


109 korean typologies

an attempt to categorize our collection of south-korean architecture

after watching, observing, walking, driving, talking, spying, looking through and at south-korean cities, villages, landscapes [obeservational research], we felt some need to disclose our discoveries: starting from the three ubiquitous residential types han-ok, yang-ok and appat, we soon expanded our research to a wider range of anonymous vernacular, common architecture. we categorized the buildings according  to their scale.
we are looking for transferrable principles which could give the specific potentials of the typologies a cultural, social, economical and ecological architectural perspective.
this collection does not intend to be complete, the collection is intended as a process.


095 insupoo

you want to live in a natural environment.
you want to minimize your carbon footprint.
you want to make the world a better place.
you want to »love all children of all species for all time«.
you want insupoo! Continue reading


084 pappatelier econtainer

transportables modulares büro/show/wohnraumsystem leichtbau aus recyclierten bzw. cyclus-fähigen hohlkammermaterialien · äusserst niederpreisig in herstellung & unterhalt · montage: 2 pers., 3 stunden · bis ca. 25 qm komplett transportabel in mb sprinter Continue reading


071 ±brick: bau- & fassadesystem




»I was never really interested in brick«, says Jan Schabert (1967): »A dull material that swallows up quite a lot of energy in production. But still, the extruded bricks with large air tubes do contain acceptable isolation qualities.« It brought him to the idea to develop a brick that does not only contain excellent isolation qualities, but can also adopt other architectural and climatological functions.
It marks the approach by the German architect who collaborates with his colleague Martina Günther under the name »Architectur und so weiter« (Architecture and so on). The name especially illustrates their broad approach, which is not limited to the design of buildings and interiors, but is also aimed at doing research and developing concepts. Both architects completed a course in architecture at the Technical University of Munich and have a broad interest in ecological designs.

[photo ruud peijnenburg] Continue reading