Category Archives: preis / award


138 flüchtlingsunterkunft @ AIT award 2018

a total of 723 projects from 36 countries had been submitted for the ait-award 2018.
the finalists are from austria, belgium, bosnia and herzegovina, china, czech republic, denmark, france, germany, hungary, india, italy, luxemburg, malaysia, poland, portugal, slovakia, spain, sweden, switzerland, the netherlands and the united kingdom. the rankings will be announced on 21st march 2018 at 16:30 hrs by the jurors and the ait in the context of a festive award ceremony in the presence of the nominated architectural offices and interior designers during the light + building in frankfurt.
we are enchanted to announce the sofortunterkunft für flüchtlinge we build for the city of münchen to be amongst the 71 finalists.
stay tuned…
photo © ait


138 berlin award 2016




hocherquickt dürfen wir verkünden das wir mit unserem zutun zum bau und ausbau der leichtbauhallen für die landeshauptstadt münchen preisträger des diesjährigen berlin awards: heimat in der fremde geworden sind. > pressemitteilung

herzlichen dank an die landeshauptstadt münchen, kommunalreferat vertreten durch baureferat hochbau 2
herzlichen dank an die jury & organisation des berlin awards
herzlichen dank an markus borst und ulrich panick


daeguhanok wins AAFF

we feel highly honored that our little documentary daeguhanok was selected »best film« at
AAFF 2014 [architect africa film festival] in collaboration with
DIFF [durban international film festival] at
UIA2014 durban [XXV international union of architects world congress]


AAFF is organised by the architects collective of south africa
the7th edition subject was
»voices |in|visible : revealing temporal interactions with place«

watch daeguhanok here