Tag Archives: daegu


daeguhanok wins AAFF

we feel highly honored that our little documentary daeguhanok was selected »best film« at
AAFF 2014 [architect africa film festival] in collaboration with
DIFF [durban international film festival] at
UIA2014 durban [XXV international union of architects world congress]


AAFF is organised by the architects collective of south africa
the7th edition subject was
»voices |in|visible : revealing temporal interactions with place«

watch daeguhanok here


125 i-wish

we just have finished »i-wish«
a short documentary on korean housing galleries.
(4’20 min; hd; korean/english; english subtitles)


talk: pecha kucha @ daegu

martina günther is invited to present at pecha kucha night™ daegu

where she will talk with lim, young-hee about korean typologies.
2013/06/21 @ 19:00 hrs [1050 jisan-dong, suseong-gu, daegu, republic of korea]

[photo: lim, young-hee]

[photo: lee, do-hyun]



the 2012 subject of EAROPH [Eastern Regional Organization for Planning and Human Settlements world congress] being »Green City for Human Betterment«, a handful of interdiciplinary [landscape architecture and interior/environmental design] student-teams from keimyung university supervised by prof. martina günther were participating at EAROPH’s youth leaders‘ forum.

2 of her teams were successful in the poster prize (research/project) looking for »Strategies for Carving Out Green City«:

Sunday Morning Island
Kwon Kyung-Hwa [dola 2nd yr] Park Su-Bin [dola 2nd yr] Park Hye-Jin [dola 2nd yr] Shin Hye-Jin [dola 2nd yr] Koo Tae-Hoon [ied 2md yr]

Central Park
Kang Ji-hye [dola 2nd yr] Kwon Da-jeong [dola 2nd yr] Kim Jeong-eun
 [dola 2nd yr] Jung Myeong-Ji [dola 2nd yr] Yoon, Jung-eun [dola 4th yr]

Department of Landscape Architecture [dola] Department of Interior and Environmental Design [ied]



exhibition: dacb

from the 10th to the 16th of october 2012 we are showing a selection of our work at daegu architectural culture biennale in daegu, including a double-folded 12 m long panorama of our transformation of a »baywa-hall« plus several models.

whilst german urbanism is represented by our colleagues from astoc and their hafencity hamburg, we are covering in the architectural part of this »international korea-germany architectural exchange exhibition« focussing on re-development.

Continue reading


talk: 대구건축문화비엔날레

martina günther gave the keynote talk, titled
»aus alt mach neu / turn old into new / 낡은 것에서 만들어낸 새로운 것«
at the international korea-germany architectural exchange exhibition within
architectural culture biennale daegu / 대구건축문화비엔날레 2012.


108 daegu tobacco studios

»Raw space for art!« that is what we suggest to the city council of daegu and the daegu fine arts association, who invited us to an international symposium, about the transformation of the 60.000 qm tabacco-factory »kt&g« into a cultural area. The massive building, near daegu station and near the historical city center, which is  a monumental witness of the korean industrial age and empty for several years, could be a corner-stone for the revitalisation of the whole area. > map

It could be a really symbiotic process, a »long-term interaction between different biological species« to start  using the building as factory for creative & cultural industries >from industrial production to cultural production. The building will survive, the artists will have space for their experimental art production and the neighbours will have vital partner, which effect on the urban space and the quality of the city. Continue reading


계대 05 Camp Walker @ Design Daegu

the results of the integrated architectural design studio, redeveloping a U.S.army-base in daegu/korea, focussing on housing and on the boundaries to a locked-away part of urban tissue is presented at design daegu, attracting daegu’s vice mayors intrest.
integrated studio with prof. lim wei siang freddie [landscape] prof. dr. raffaele pernice [urbanism] prof. steve skorski [interior].


103 camp walker 대구시

allgemeine überraschende erkenntnisse zu daegu. daegu, als vertreterin einer koreanischen stadt hat keine monumente. die grünen hügel sind die einzigen »objekt/skulpturhaften« monumente von öffentlicher relevanz. unverzichtbar für die orientierung in der stadt. Continue reading


계대 03 children architecture school

an »imaginary hideout« was constructed in an one-day-project at daegu biennale.
we attempted to create an cantenary arch based on tent construction…

keimyung university, daegu, korea. 2010 [10 to 12 year old kids, 03’32’’, camera 진우전/Jin-woo Jeon]