Tag Archives: möbelsystem


123 3×1750 mm @ room 2207

of course, this »learning« is not only happening from this person whom you might want to call teacher or professor: you learn from everyone, from everything.
of course, learning about space is predominantly happening by absorbing, feeling, analysing spaces; plus perhaps a little introduction hereunto. should you agree so far, then it sure will be self-evident, that a space-teaching purposed space could by no means be undermined with that polygreyish softcornered corporate office outfit visual pollution.

room 2207 was transformed from this corporate office into a flexible multipurpose space:
three elements, conjointly sharing 1750 mm as their length to keep things simple. Continue reading


086 lagermöbelsystem 16mm

we were approached by a client in late 2008. we are asked to develop a shelf-system which can store and display small to big objects [cd’s, books, lp’s, …]. we extended this task from the living room only to kitchen and bedroom, and added a kitchenette as well as a wardrobe to the storage-furniture-system.
first desig:  partly made by honeycomb-cardboard-sandwich-panels and folded sheet-metal. basic idea of the use of loadbearing 16mm fatback is used in  finished »stand-alone« product series.

variations of the »built-in« division of the 16mm series: clothing cabinet either (shamefully) boxed into a drywall-closed alcove, or left open, behind a »censored« bar. Continue reading